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Arrows from Zion
are prayer points new each week
that you can copy, paste, print & distribute at your prayer meetings to encouarge prayer for the
LORD's harvest in Israel.
Pray in Agreement
with Israeli Ministries!
Fruit of the Fig Tree
Spiritual Insights blog
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Support Israeli Believers
made exclusively by the
Body of Messiah in Israel.
A Handy Online Guide
Israeli Messianic
Judaica, Gifts, Arts, Crafts,
Gift Shops, Bed & Breakfasts,
Prayer & Worship
Believer's Hostels,
Tour Services
and products!
What is God's Highest Purpose
for us in Supporting Israel?
Christian Support of Israel does not mean
there is an understanding of the holy Remnant in Israel.
If we aren't teaching this, how will they grasp the significance?
What is God's Highest Purpose for us in Supporting Israel?
Jewish and Arab leaders praying together in northern Israel
at an annual gathering for believers
After being a Christian connected to the Messianic Jews for about 22 years, I have found that the greatest issue is not that half the Church does not think Israel is significant to God at all, but rather that the half of the Church that does recognize the significance of Israel still fail to recognize the significance of the existence of a growing Body of Messiah in Israel.
When we don't recognize that the believers being raised up in Israel by the Holy Spirit are the KEY to the salvation of all Israel - and to a parallel release of revival throughout the nations - then we ignore them as insignificant.
This sadly has been what I have observed in the Church that is gung-ho to support Israel - just not God's purposes in the LORD's Body in Israel.
You can get millions of Christians interested in praying for Israel's safety from their enemies - the terrorists and the international politics, but it takes a revelation from the Holy Spirit for those Christians to understand that as the Body of Messiah, the kingdom of Yeshua, increases in Israel, that it is the holy Remnant that actually increases Israel's safety. Selah.
A subscriber in Puerto Rico reminded me of this article I wrote in 2006,
an imaginary Visitation of Jesus in Israel
"If Jesus came down for an encouragement visitation with His kinsmen in Israel, He wouldn't head straight for the Israelis that Christians seem to think of when we think about supporting Israel. Yeshua would meet with His disciples the same as He did after He was resurrected and appeared to them before ascending to the Father."
You might enjoy it too.
If you appreciate the efforts of this ministry to share both the challenges and the great things God is doing among the Israeli indigenous ministries, please pray about making a financial gift donation.
Make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio and mail to:
Israel Prayer P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006
Or click on the PayPal account:
I do not have tax exempt status.
ex po sé
The Terror Bombing of
Israeli Messianic
Teen Ami Ortiz
Download PDF File
Part I –Purim 2008: Haman Visits Ariel An act of religious extremism targets Israeli Jewish believers in Jesus on Purim. ‘Wicked Haman’ is finally busted in October 2009.
Part II – Threats Precede Violence Hate speech, harassment and violence lay the buildup to attempted murder against targets with the Messianic community of Israel who are stalked and spied on.
Part III – The Family Grapples with the Unthinkable That is, the Ortiz family, the family of indigenous believers in Israel, and the greater family of Israeli Jews – citizens and officials.
Part IV – Meanwhile in the Real World What must we do to safeguard innocent people from those willing to commit religious terrorism? Counter terrorism experts are telling, but is anyone listening?
Part V – Israeli Justice on Trial What is at stake in the trial of Yaakov Teitel is a hidden spiritual truth. It is one of those trials of God that we often don’t recognize as from Him until after our choices are made and the test is over. In this trial, Israel is also choosing in measure her own future – “For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged.”
you realize
that only a minority of Israel intercessors
actually pray for the indigenous
Israeli Ministries & their needs??

a difference in what happens in this critical hour
because the
destiny of all nations lies in the ability
of the believing Remnant to fulfill their purpose
as laborers in the Lord's harvest.
Praying in Agreement
with the Israeli Body of Messiah
Sign up for the email at
A Weekly Guide Compiled Directly
from the Prayer Requests of many Israeli Ministries
to pray for Israel isn't that complicated--
Pray for Those LABORING IN
Binyamin Kluger is a leader in Yad L'Achim,
the leading "anti-missionary" organization in Israel
- which means they aggressively oppose Jewish belief in Yeshua/Jesus.
It is an activist organization that employs illegal means of investigating people
and collaborating with bureaucrats to
harrass and persecute Jewish citizens
for their faith in Yeshua. They stalk, threaten, intimidate and make false accusations.

Yad L'Achim leader Binyamin Kluger is a former Christian,
xxx xxxxxxxxx xx Xxxxx, and then to Judaism.
Pray for a Damascus Road experience for Mr. Kluger
and protection for his targets in the meantime.
The True Meaning of
include blessings flowing toward
those in our own household of faith in Israel.
The Body of Messiah in Israel
Your support will mean
so much!
Messianic Marketplace
Find out how you
can use Israeli-believer-made gifts and arts
for your fund raisers and ministry gifts!
watch our Marketplace pages as we continue develop our resource
for the business,
products and arts believers
in Israel.
your Precious Seed for Israel's Harvest
in the Indigenous Ministries who are Yeshua's Laborers!
An Israeli brother sharing with those
whom Christians would rarely get a moment to engage.
[Pictured in red t-shirt is
Jacob Damkani, evangelist, Trumpet of Salvation, Jaffa]
When it comes to Israel,
many Christians are still baffled by this question:
Who is my brother?
it the regular looking Jewish guy worshiping in an Israeli
Messianic Jewish congregation
or is it really as so many seem to think, the "ultra-pious,"
ultra-Orthodox shown below
... hurling abuse at the Messianic Jewish believers in a small
Negev Desert town?
(L) Arad Protest of Messianic Believers, (R) Worshiping God
in Tel Aviv, both shot in 2005
be confused.
This is not about fomenting hate against traditional Jews
but it is about discerning who
we are really related to in Israel
as spiritual brothers and sisters.
You can't be a blessing to them if you don't know who they
Find out who your brothers in
in Him--really are
in Israelprayer Ministry Profiles
by Region
Olive Tree in the Cardo
photo just SPEAKS to me.
PO Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006
Serving the Israeli Body of Messiah
of individual Israeli Messianic Jewish and Arab Christian
ministers and believers
will not be published here for the sake of their safety. Exact
locations of congregations are not published
in order to protect believers from persecution and harrassment
that is
often perpetrated against them by anti-missionary groups and
individuals in Israel.
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