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August 19 , 2007

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Paul said, "I box in such a way,
as not just beating the air"
Here's a solid target:

August 17, 2007


You are needed right now to pray
and declare the word of the Lord!

Cutting off
the head of the snake

(This snake eats in the United States
to fund terrorist organizations against Israel.)
By Donna Diorio

Dallas 8-17-07: Last night as our Israel Prayer team at Baruch HaShem Messianic Synagogue gathered for weekly intercession over the prayer requests of ministries in Israel, we began to pray for a critical U.S. government trial going on right now in Dallas.

In spite of the fact that we generally have anywhere from 10 to 20 pages of specific prayer requests from the ministries per week, the team spontaneously began to focus on a trial going on in our own city. Individually these seasoned intercessors for Israel had grasped the link between a federal trial in Dallas and our prayer assignment to close a gaping security breach in the United States. If this trial does not get a conviction it means that will be a continued to allowance of terrorist organizations whose deadly end game is played out on the streets of Israel to operate freely on our shores.

This is a critical trial and the Holy Spirit gave many words during the intercessory time towards cutting off the head of the snake that is using terrorist organizations to operate charity fronts in the United States to fund their murder and mayhem against Israel.

Most Christians are not up to speed on how the terror infrastructure operates. It isn’t a subject we generally look into very deeply. While many are politically active on behalf of Israel, not many are even aware that a trial this critical to Israel’s security is even going on. It is time that situation changed.

The efforts of the U.S. federal prosecutors to get a resounding conviction in the case of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development must have the prayer power of the Israel-loving church crying out for justice to be served, and for the breach in U.S. security via the legal system to be fully repaired by the precedent this trial will set in the war on terror.

You may think I am overstating the critical nature of the HLF trial (which is a couple of weeks into the prosecution’s case) because you have not heard about it or seen it discussed in the major media.

That is part of the problem—the media has treated these cases as if they were merely local news stories and not an integral part of international Islamic terrorism. Two major federal trials against terrorist infrastructure in the United States in the very recent past have failed to yield convictions that would allow our security to legally stop the flow of fund raising for terror organizations in the United States.

If the government prosecutors cannot get a conviction in the current case against the Holy Land Foundation, the United States will officially be an open marketplace for every type of terrorist funding organization in existence. Our security forces must be able to prosecute and convict the terror infrastructure they identify. If our legal system will not uphold their investigative work, then the investigative work will surely dwindle away and not be robustly pursued. This is a war that must be fought on every front!

For whatever reasons, the mainstream media is not educating the public about how terrorism infrastructures work. Few are the voices who understand stand and wage a relentless, self-sacrificing (and dangerous!) campaign to educate and inform. Among them are names you may have seen as terrorism expert-guests from time to time on some broadcast news sources, such as Dr. Walid Phares or Steve Emerson.

There is probably no one who understands more how terrorism works in the United States than Steve Emerson who, along with his team at the Investigative Project, is providing daily recaps of the Holy Land Foundation trial going on in Dallas. The details that are being revealed are exposing exactly how terror infrastructure works….but you won’t read about or hear these details in any major media that I am aware of. They are going for superficial coverage of the trial.

As far as my research has shown, it is only the Investigative Project reports that are appearing on Walid Phares’ website where one can find out what is really being exposed in the Dallas Federal Courthouse about terrorist operations.

Outside the courthouse the local Muslim community has been activated in protest to attempt to make the media coverage about Islamophobia” and their other accusations of American anti-Arab prejudice. This morning I am reading a report that Dallas police have been put on high alert watching for possible local terror attacks because of tips that have begun to come in from citizens observing suspicious they are relating to the terrorist trial.

During jury selection several citizens expressed fears of serving on a trial that related to terrorists, and the un-indicted co-conspirators, the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) have waged intense intimidation campaigns in the past against the local Dallas newspaper and reporter who was investigating the Holy Land Foundation prior to September 11, 2001.

Intimidation, manipulation and deception are all major players in the defense of these defendants. These are things that must be spiritually addressed by believers who want to see justice served.

Two days ago the judge had to clear the courtroom because of the verbal outburst of opposition by HLF supporters observing the trial when the second of two Israeli security agents were allowed to testify using pseudonyms to protect their identities.

It is time for those who love Israel to put intercessory focus on this trial and cut off the head of the snake in the grass of U.S. soil that feeds Hamas and other terror organizations who operate against Israel.

Please, take time to visit the and read the reports being filed by Steve Emerson and the Investigative Project on the Holy Land Foundation trial. (See the article list below.) These reports will be very informative for you on how to best pray for the prosecutors, the judge, witnesses, the jury in this trial. Pray also for confusion and missteps by those who are attempting to manipulate our freedom loving system and use it to conquer us.

I am including a story from the website posted this morning about the brief filed yesterday in the U.S. District Court in Dallas by CAIR, an un-indicted co-conspirator named in the HLF case. They specifically are asking for the and the reports of the Investigative Project to be silenced by the courts. If this happens there will be no source up to speed enough to report the facts of the case to the public.

CAIR counts on the disinterest of the national news media who will do wall-to-wall coverage of the evidence in the O.J. Simpson trial or the Anna Nicole trials, yet are not finding it within their priorities to even barely mention this critical trial in the war on terror.

It is up to concerned Christians to quickly rise to the occasion and raise their voices to Heaven in this matter.

The Counterterrorismblog - Investigative Project reports on the Holy Land Foundation trial are:

HAMAS Propaganda Discovered In Offices Of HLF Beneficiaries
HLF Trial Update: 2nd Israeli Witness Takes the Stand
CAIR: Youngest Member of Hamas Family Tree
Terrorism Trial Continues in Dallas
Cross examination of FBI agent begins in HLF trial
CAIR identified by the FBI as part of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee
War is Deception
HAMAS Underground
CAIR Executive Director Placed at HAMAS Meeting
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Military Work in the U.S.
Buried Videos Surface in HLF Trial
Buried Videos and Documents in Backyard of Co-Conspirator Show HAMAS Links
Counterterrorism Blog Expert, Matthew Levitt, Takes the Stand in Dallas HAMAS Trial
Criminal Trial Begins for US Charity Accused of Funneling Money to HAMAS
Holy Land Foundation Trial Opens in Dallas
HLF Trial Update: Muslim Brotherhood on the Witness Stand

Latest Breaking News:
CAIR Cites Counterterrorism Blog in HLF Legal Filing
(Petitioning the Court to release to the public all names on the prosecution's un-indicted co-conspirator list)
By Jeffrey Imm August 17, 2007

CAIR's Legal Gambit (and another Graph)
by Aaron Mannes August 19, 2007
The move by CAIR and several other prominent Muslim organizations to have themselves de-listed as un-indicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation trials is an interesting, albeit unprecedented, legal maneuver that – if successful – would have a profound impact on the HLF trial and criminal justice in the United States.

Israel Prayer News Briefs: Be informed and pray accordingly.
We seek to digest the facts, spit out as much rhetoric,
bias and prejudice as possible,
shine a light on the under-reported aspects,
then position ourselves before God to pray as He leads.

This will produce much more effective
Issachar prayer warriors for Israel.

–Donna Diorio

These collections of news stories are not just for the sake of information,
opinion or commentary but rather are meant
to help Christians and Messianic Jews pray more effectively
for the things that God has declared He is going to do.

You have not because you ask not;
you ask and do not receive
because you ask amiss.

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